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Charlottesville Arrests 4 
Area An ti- In teg ration ists 


Tuttday , Auguit 7, 1956 ••••» 

4 White Council 
Men Face Trial 

Four organizers of the Sea 
board Citizens Councils will 
face trial at 9:30 a. m. Satur- 
day in Charlottesville, Va., 
Police Court on charges of 
distributing membership appli- 
cations in Charlottesville with- 
out official permission. 

The four men, residents of 
the Washington area, were ap- 
prehended by Charlottesville 
police late Saturday in the Bel 
mont section of the -city. The 
arrests were made following.* 
call from an unidentified resi- 
dent who was solicited at his 

Charlottesville police listed 
the four as John Kasper, 26, 
3206 Volta pi. nw.; Edgar 
Franklin Johnston, 35, 1103 
Bellevue st. se.; Floyd Fleming, 
60, SOS Quincy st ne., and Alex 
Hanna, 32, Temple Trailer Vil- 
tage, Alexandria, Va. They 
were released late Saturday on 
$100 bond. 

Kasper, who describes him- 
self as executive secretary of 
the anti-integration organiza- 
tion, helped organize on June 
4 a White Citizens Council for 
the District. The Seaboard 

White Citizens Councils is af 
S^f*.,^" 1 the extremist 
North Alabama White Citizens 
CouncU headed by Asa E. (Ace) 

Kasper said recently he sold 
the Cadmus Bookstore, 7246 
Wisconsin ave. nw., to a friend 
but still works there occasion- 

Charlottesville Police Chief 
J- E. Adams said yesterday that 
the group had applied for per- 
mits to distribute printed mat- 
ter but their requests were de- 

Kasper telephoned protest of 
the arrests to The Washington 
Post and Times Herald. The 
statement said, "This action 
from City Hall shows a deplor- 
able degeneratibn in the white 
man's character when fellow 
white citizens are denied the 
right to save their own race 
from mong^ellzatIon. , ' 

Meanwhile, the court- decree 
ending racial segregation in 
Charlottesville public schools is 
expected to be entered today. 
Federal Judge John Paul said 
yesterday the decree would be 
mailed to Lottie M. Morris- 
sette, deputy clerk of the Char- 
lottesville division of the U. S. 
District Court, for entry on the 
law books. 


Open Letter To The White Citizens of Charlottesville, Virginia: 

August 7 j 1956 

Less than one month ago, in a historic decision, the public schools of Charlottesville 
were ordered to mix Nigras with white Virginians "with all deliberate speed". Every Informed 
white citizen knows that race-mongrel 3 sm has been a part of the red's programme to destroy the 

Sovereign States and the United States since the year 1926. The Nigra, white-race-hating 
organization, NAACP, is a red-led organization. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Nigra Congressman 
from Harlem, New York, is a particularly odious and offensive Nigra with an African background. 
He has been cited by the Un-American Activities Committee as having more than 66 commie-front 
citations to his name, Powell Is a "bad -nigger". 

We know, however, that Nigras have never successfully organized anything except a "skin- 
game" on the corner or a "gin-party". It is the noble white man who has given the Nigra benefit 
of white-organized Christian civilization, and it is the degenerate white man -who has organized 
the Nigra to destroy the white race in America to establish world commonism. 

Why have the reds picked on Charlottesville? What deep weakness has caused corrupt Federal 
Judges and NAACP race-haters to destroy the Anglo-Saxon in Charlottesville? 

On Saturday, July 28th, responding to the desperate plea of the white citizens of Charlottes- 
ville, organizers from the headquarters of the Seaboard White Citizens Councils located in 
Washington, D.C., rushed to Charlottesville to set up a Council to attack race-mixers and stop 
the forced raee-mongrelism about to take effect in the public schools of Charlottesville. 

They brought with them, our ATTACK PROGRAM for' Virginia, which is the only totally sincere, * 
extreme segregationist program ever presented to the Virginia State Legislature or any state 
legislature confronted with race-mixing problems. 

The Mayor, Weinberg, the police chief, Adams, and the City Manager, Bolen, said they were 
deeply impressed with our program. They invited the men back on Monday 'July 30th at 2 P.M. to 
meet with themselves, State Senator McCue, a man named Oglesby, and other officials, to discuss 
our program and our request for permission to distribute our program to the Charlottesville 
white citizens and hold mass rallies in Charlottesville. 

Driving 125 miles, we returned at the appointed time, on Monday, July 30th, at 2 P.M.. 
No one there. Just Adams who said all the Senators were away, the mayor at his drugstore, and 
the city manager out to lunch. Adams said they decided over the weekend our literature was , too 
violent and too emotional and best to keep everyone nice and quiet!! ,r No, we could not distribute 
to the people the only program which completely means SEGREGATION IN VIRGINIA FOREVER and NOT 
"creeping, spotted, and gradual integration", as envisaged by the political garbage called the 
"Gray £Lan". The "McCue Plan" Is weak and little better than the Gray Plan. You can't be a 
little bit pregnant. 

No meetings either. Might cause a commotion. 

Then we went to the City Manager. Bureaucrat, ho-initative, no-Individuality, no-personality 
Bolen called our program "disgusting trash". 

Then to" the Weinberg's drugstore. The little fellow with the limpid, liquid brown eyes 
and bullet head said: "We have nothing to worry about, by court appeals we can stay segregated 
for- at least six months to a year. Nothing to worry about nothing, nothing... 

Having met these 'guardians of the people 1 , heard their cowardly statements, their run, 
run, run, RUN policy we went to Ed McCue' s office, expecting something better. 

The Senator was In Richmond. In his son, Ed Jr., we did fine something better. We found 
a very personable, intelligent, handsome young man, completely informea on segregation 
issue, expressing a willingness to stand up and fight for the white folics. He point ea out to 

That evil-smelling crowd. in Ctty Kail is the gang responsible for Charlotcesville bein& -he iirst 
city in Virginia to put Niggers in Its school-. They are all integration:^ ts 1 1 jfcut till the 
next election*" We admired KcCue's frankness and It was only when he sa-o. ^harlotr.esviiie 
didn't need a dynamic VThite Citizens Council that ve put him ir\ the catacory of cne n.ore 
politician, willing even at this late hour to sell our children into slavery. i-.cCue S4:Io .he 
situation was well in hand and he had been taking care of it. . 

White Citizens of Charlottesville 1 1 The situation is so well in hand, that your children 
will go to school with niggers come January. 

Leaving your lovely city, home of great Thomas Jefferson, we stopped at a gas station 
where we met Mr. G. H. Thomas, manager. He had been contacted by the men the previous cavurday, 
and after talking a few minutes we knew we had met a real man who felt deeply about having his 
children or his children's children go to school with Kigras . Mr. Thomas couraceously o^ered 
to serve as chairman of our Charlottesville Council. 

August 4 

clear that 

mixers . I 

° Pa our r men returned # on Saturday, August 4th. We went to the Belmont section of Charlottesville 
Going door-to-door, telling the white citizens who we were, and leaving applications w^h eacn 
person who wanted' them, we found the people of Charlottesville WITHOUT EXCEPTION are opposed 
to niggerism and placing the fair white bodies of their children in the schools Mgras-. 
The people are desperate and are pleading for leadership in this fight. The people of .narlottes- 
ville we talked with instinctively knew we were the forthright leadership they neea and grabbed 
up each and every application we had with enthusiastic zeal. 

Suddenly police cars. Our men were arrested. The charge: distributing leaflets without 
a permit. 

Mr. Thomas, our chairman, was summoned. 

In Adams-* office, Mr. Thomas and the spokesman for the White Citizens' Councils, John 
Kasper, were interrogated by a plainclothesman' in the presence of Adams. Mr. Thomas was made 

tP te TLn°the%lainclothesmaS S said to Mr. Thomas: ''Mr. Thomas, you know you've had no education. 
You know you can't keep books. You know you can't handle money. You know you can t.orgnnize 
anything. You know you're not smart enough for a job with the Citizens Councils- 

Mr. Kasper interrupted to say this fish-eyed investigator ^n *^^ ^.?^*^*^'* 116 
working man of Charlottesville. That It was the working people of Charlottesville who woula 
suJfer^fZ Sigraf entering their schools, churches, restaurants theatres, homes and ^riage- 
beds ! That;- Mr! Thomas was manager of a busy gas-station, handled the money ^^responsibly 
and'organlzed the daily operation of the station. That Mr. Thomas had more unaerstanain^ of 
?ne evi^fof race-mSing in Charlottesville than .all the City Hall PoliWcos comoinea, ana that 
the investigator should apologize for such defamatory remarks to !,r. Thomas. 
'--^0*^ of Charlottesville were giving *ac« ^port a^J 

pncourSement They asked fo? applications. They were embarrassed and ashamea of what tneir - - 
"bossed Saf aonefarrlsled wnltfmen who were fighting for the white man, and witnout cause 

° P Pr Sn£ 1 Sthout cause because the White Citizens' Councils are a non-profit educational 
applications only. 

mongrelization in Charlottesville. 

When we pointed out to Adams that bond was- ridiculously high for a misdemeanor, it was 

ES SSTStSii-in city huh / . 

„ .^oufhearfng^ef ^per^oA'thf scoundrels /ho have let your city be put unoer attac, 
^ 'Vtnere^^^ ««h the White Citizens' Councils 

attorneys. Honor, pride, fight, SAVE THE WHITE! • 

Secboarc V.'hitc Citlrens ' ; councils 
12-5 V-isconsin .-.ver.uf , :.V«\ 
Wpshington 7, ^.2. 

John Kasper, £xec. Sec'y. 


Be at our 



;7~ - 




TIME: 8:00 P.M. 

PLACE: 3201 Nichols Avenue 

(Nichols & Esther Place) 


Hear what is being done in Washington and surround- * 
ing States to destroy the race-mongrelizer. Find 
out why the red-controlled Supreme Courts is forcing 
race-mixing on the American White Peop^Le... Learn 
how Attorney-General Brownell's Nigra rights program 
is promoting race-hatred and bigotry. Know how 
"Ike" Eisenhower is destroying 80 years of racial 
pride and progress for the Nigra. Learn the red- 
led NAACP's plans to start full-scale marriage 
between Nigras and Whites by 1963. 

Fight race-haters 

Remove degenerate politicians 

Jail the, NAAC'P 

Destroy the reds 

Honor, pride, fight SAVE THE WHITE 









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